Column Particle Technologies

Waters made a conscious decision to invest in particle synthesis technology and moved to becoming a primary manufacturer of chromatographic particles. The ability to synthesis our own materials brought several significant advantages:

  • Complete traceability from final product to raw materials
  • Vastly improved reproducibility of final product batch-to-batch and year-to-year
  • Flexibility to develop and introduce innovative particle technologies to support an increasing demand for new separation solutions.

Column Particle Technologies Discover Waters Chromatography Column Particle Technologies, including Ethylene-Bridged Hybrid (BEH), Charged-Surface Hybrid (CSH), and High-Strength Silica (HSS) column options.
Column Particle Technologies Discover Waters Chromatography Column Particle Technologies, including Ethylene-Bridged Hybrid (BEH), Charged-Surface Hybrid (CSH), and High-Strength Silica (HSS) column options.
Column Particle Technologies Discover Waters Chromatography Column Particle Technologies, including Ethylene-Bridged Hybrid (BEH), Charged-Surface Hybrid (CSH), and High-Strength Silica (HSS) column options.
Preparative HPLC Columns Achieve fast, efficient, lab-scale separations and greater throughput with Waters Preparative HPLC Columns, which provide predictable performance and easily scale from analytical to prep.

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