

This guide is offered as an overview of the sample preparation considerations behind reliable, amino acid analysis of peptides and proteins contained in several common sources. The material can be used as a starting point for those who are performing amino acid analysis, as well as a resource for experienced analysts who are trying to resolve a related issue. Included is a list of select references that contain additional information on some of the discussed topics. The detailed procedures were obtained primarily from specific publications, AOAC official methods, and Waters Corporation’s 30 years of amino acid analysis experience. The overriding goal was to ensure likely success by presenting methods that carry levels of robustness when used as detailed in the document. Most of the included procedures have been used by analysts throughout the years. The hope is that these selections address many application needs.


Enable your laboratory to obtain accurate amino acid composition from protein/peptide hydrolysates, physiologic fluids, feeds, foods, pharmaceutical preparations, and myriad other samples using traditional HPLC or UHPLC instrumentation.

Accurately separate, identify, & quantify amino acids in cell culture, protein hydrolysates, foods, and feeds with Waters AccQ•Tag and AccQ•Tag Ultra Amino Acid Analysis standards and kits for HPLC, UHPLC, and UPLC.

Waters offers three distinctively reliable methods for accurate amino acid analyses. All three utilize pre-column derivatization methods followed by reversed-phase chromatography with on-line detection of well resolved peaks using either UV absorbance or fluorescence detection.

Realize the full potential of your automation workstations with Waters sample preparation kits, and seamlessly automate your Waters workflow to gain laboratory efficiency.