Today’s polymer manufacturers operate within an increasingly dynamic market space fueled by intense competition, complex regulatory considerations, and a resurgence in demand.
Scientists and engineers must innovate and develop more sustainable materials that account for end-of-life waste management without impacting product performance. With the latest analytical technologies from Waters and TA Instruments, you can accelerate product innovations, enhance productivity, and meet corporate sustainability goals such as increasing the use of recycled polymers to support a circular economy.
Waters and TA Instruments portfolios of polymer analysis solutions allow you to characterize and test complex polymer samples while improving your operational efficiency across:
- Extractables and Leachables
- Medical Device Materials
- Polymer Recycling
- Polymer Research and Innovation
Obtain accurate results from development to production with technologies like advanced polymer chromatography (APC), ultra-performance convergence chromatography (UPC2), high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), and thermal analyzers (TA). With Waters and TA Instruments, you can achieve complete understanding of the synthesis, architecture, functional properties, and safety of polymers across the supply chain.