Direct Injection Screening Method for Per-And-Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Drinking Water Using a Prototype Benchtop Multi-Reflecting Time-of-Flight

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Hania Khoury-Hollins, Stuart Adams, Jayne Kirk, Richard Lock, Lance Nicolaysen
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This poster describes about PFAS screening method using direct injection and high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) to monitor both regulated and non-regulated PFAS compounds. Sample and standards were analyzed with an ACQUITY Premier UPLC system coupled to a Xevo MRT Mass Spectrometer in negative ionization mode using MSE acquisition. Drinking water samples spiked with PFAS were analyzed, with PFOS detected at 30 ng/L and a mass measurement accuracy of ±100 ppb. Data processing was performed using waters_connect Software.

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