

从最初的样品创建到最终存档,实验室工作流程的自动化对于实现数据完整性和提高日常实验室工作效率至关重要。Empower LMS采用独特的集成体验,将Empower色谱数据系统(CDS)的出众优势与NuGenesis实验室管理系统(LMS)(包括科学数据管理系统(SDMS))的附加工作流程管理功能相结合。


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Elevate Your Lab Universal Language Creates Harmony in Labs

How can a modern CDS improve workflows and elevate your laboratory business? Read this article to see how Empower creates a universal language in the lab to improve efficiency and compliance.
Read the Article

Empower LMS Webinar | Elevate Your Workflow

In this webinar, we demonstrate how Empower LMS will help your lab optimize its product workflows to support durable data and intrinsic compliance.
Watch the Webinar

Elevate Your Business Durable Data for Non-IT Webinar

This webinar aims to help you understand how Waters experts can assist in both setting up safeguards and helping recover the regulated data and Empower system if a disaster occurs.
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