Waters Experience Design Center

The Waters Experience Design Center is a facility that helps us build better products, services, and system solutions by measuring our customers' end-to-end experience. Located in Milford, Massachusetts, the center has two state-of-the-art usability labs, both equipped with multiple high-definition video cameras and superior audio quality to ensure we can capture every behavior.

We have a hardware lab for measuring full end-to-end scientific workflows, and a second lab dedicated to digital artifacts. Supporting the laboratories, we have a collaboration room an observation facility for overseeing the research studies live as they happen or on demand. In addition to the laboratories, we have an audio-visual suite for capturing user testimonials and for editing footage from the studies.




Help us improve your laboratory experience

Collaborate with the Waters Experience Design team and help us better align our products and services with your expectations.

We make it easy for you to participate. You will have the opportunity to interact with members of our design and development teams and provide hands-on assessment of our current portfolio and new prototypes. Waters will observe and measure your responses to help improve your day-to-day laboratory experience.

You can choose to visit us at the Waters headquarters located in Milford, MA, participate in a remote sessions via phone or web conferencing, or our team will come to you to see how you interact with Waters products in your own environment.

Questions? View our FAQs




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