Preparative SFC Systems

Waters’ scalable, environmentally friendly systems satisfy the most challenging purification needs while minimizing costs.

SFC Prep 150 AP System

  • Leverage automated sample handling, column switching, fraction collection and tracking for fast separations, high resolution, and high throughput
  • Support a robust, efficient and cost-effective open access environment in any purification lab
  • Gain superior fraction recovery rates for reduced solvent evaporation time and processing costs


SFC Prep 150 Mgm System

  • Ideally designed for high-throughput, semi-prep to preparative scale purifications made for repeat injection
  • Easily operate at higher flow rates than traditional HPLC without significant increase in back pressure
  • High speed SFC purification and improved resolution of compounds for higher purity isolations


SFC Prep 350 System

  • For large scale purification: from 100g to kilogram scale
  • Ideally suited for large compound campaigns
  • Modified stream injection improves sample loading without peak distortion caused by strong solvent effects
  • Stacked injection capability improves isocratic purification productivity

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