
现已推出:在Agilent LC和Empower工作流程中进行质谱检测。提高结果可信度。


如今,这种烦恼将不复存在。只需轻松一按,即可将ACQUITY QDa检测器添加到现有的Agilent 1260或1290 Infinity LC系统和Empower工作流程中。轻点按钮,就能让您的团队轻松扩展方法开发,开展更多项目并运行更多样品,具备更高的生产率。让我们一窥究竟。

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QDa White Paper White Paper: Seamless Integration of Mass Detection

The intuitive design of the ACQUITY QDa Detector gives you access to analytical confidence from the selectivity that mass detection brings to your analysis.
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Practical Benefits QDa Video The Practical Benefits of ACQUITY QDa Detector

Learn how the ACQUITY QDa Detector provides easy access to mass data for non MS experts in this video.
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Biotherapeutics App Note App Note: Adding MS Detection to Analysis of Biotherapeutics

In this app note, we demonstrate the application of MS detection to the analysis of small biotherapeutics with the ACQUITY QDa Detector.
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