#WatersforWater - LC/MS Drinking Waters analysis solution

Answers to the changes in the EU Drinking Water Directive

The world’s fresh water supply is under constant threat from industrial growth, agricultural processes, and municipal waste. Because water is a Human Right, high quality, safe, and enough drinking water is essential for our daily life. The new 2020 EU Drinking Water Directive (DWD, revision directive 98/83/EC of 3 Nov 1998) is aimed to make tap water safer but also reduce the consumption of bottled water by 17% on 2030 horizon.

In view of the revised EU DWD Waters scientists have developed turn-key solution to tackle emerging contaminants and to overcome the challenges related to water analysis like:

  • Increase in testing requirements
  • Low limit of quantification for special analytes
  • Direct injection preferred over sample preparation
  • Reliable methods
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